Upreal Digital

Picking the right Augmented Reality Platform for your project

Picking the right AR platform for your project can be very challenging.

Especially when you don’t know too much about technology.

Heck, I was so confused when I first got into the AR…
I basically just froze and procrastinated for 2 whole weeks before I even started forcing myself to learn the damn thing.

And if you end up picking the wrong platform…
Well… you can lose thousands of dollars building the wrong kind of AR experience.

And to make things worse, there are a LOT of different augmented reality platforms…

Like WebAR, KioskAR, HMDAR, AppAR, SocialAR, PhoneAR, BroadcastAR, etc…

Introducing… the decision tree diagram

To help you figure it out, I made a beautiful decision tree diagram to guide you in your decision-making journey.

It’s not the holy grail but it’s close…

Buttttt….it’s a secret, sorry guys…… bummer…
Kidding! haha

Here’s the link to download the diagram for free!

This is what it looks like:

Augmented Reality Platform 

I personally use it with my clients whenever I do an initial consultation.

It’s simple but effective.

Here’s an example of how to pick the right augmented reality platform using the diagram

Bear with me, it’s super simple!

First, go to the first question “Is it for consumers?” where it says “START HERE!”.

If the answer is “YES” then you follow the right arrow to the next question. Otherwise, you follow the left arrow to the other question. Then keep repeating that process again…

Once you are done answering questions, you’ll get a suggestion to use a specific augmented reality platform for your project.

Something that looks like this…

Kiosk Ar

The platform name is at the top and is called “Kiosk AR” in this case.
Then you get the list of PROS and CONS of using this specific platform so you can make an informed decision yourself.

The last section is a list of options that I found so far.

I’ll be updating the diagram whenever I find more options but feel free to send me the platform (daniel@uprealdigital.com) you are using if it’s not on the list already and I’ll be more than happy to add it.

Let’s conclude!

You see?!

Easy peasy! The casserole is ready!

Haha, I admit… I definitely made this expression up!

It took me a while to build the decision tree diagram so if you don’t mind, I would appreciate it if you could give that thumbs up a kiss and subscribe to my channel for more cool AR videos…

Here’s the link to download the diagram for free!


You see that by simply answering a few questions, it’s possible to know what you are doing!

After doing this simple exercise, you can now call yourself an augmented reality expert on social media!

Hahaha! 😉

Not quite but I hope it helped you get a better understanding of which AR platform you’ll need.

I know it works for me at least… It’s pretty hard to stay frozen with indecision using a chart like the one I just showed you!

Stay tuned for more awesome content!




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