Upreal Digital

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Weather augmented reality: TV News biggest disruptor?

Soon, the world of television will never be the same. There’s a movement rapidly growing in the broadcast industry. And the reason behind this massive change is not what you would expect… Drum roll… Ladies and gentlemen…I present to you… The weather reports! Wait… What!? That can’t be right?!… Right?!...


Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality: What’s the Difference?

If you’ve been keeping up with the latest technology trends (or our most recent Upreal Digital blog posts!), you may have heard two new buzzwords floating around: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). Though the terms “virtual reality” (VR) and “augmented reality” (AR) are often used interchangeably… …they refer...


Top 5 VR Headsets in 2022

Exploring The Top VR Headsets It’s time to talk about VR Headsets! In our previous articles here at Upreal Digital, we’ve touched on various Metaverse services and products. From the different platforms they’re available on… …to what you can do within them… …and how they can best benefit you as...


13 Ways to Make Money in the Metaverse!

In today’s turbulent economy, everyone is looking for new ways to make a little extra cash on the side. And while there are many side hustles you can take advantage of to help pad your wallet… …the list of unique markets and methods gets thinner and thinner every day as...

Metaverse Platform

Which Metaverse should I choose?

“The Metaverse.” People can’t stop talking about it! Ever since the social media giant Facebook changed its name to “Meta” and rebranded to embrace this new-age technology, the Metaverse is at the top of everyone’s mind. What is the Metaverse? But what exactly is the Metaverse, and should your business...

Ar Platforms

Picking the right Augmented Reality Platform for your project

Picking the right AR platform for your project can be very challenging. Especially when you don’t know too much about technology. Heck, I was so confused when I first got into the AR…I basically just froze and procrastinated for 2 whole weeks before I even started forcing myself to learn...