Upreal Digital

Share your creations with the world using the hashtag

Mobile Ar Platforms

Stunning AR Graphics | Artys app

Never let your social media post get lost in the feed again.

Add stunning augmented reality graphics to your video content.


Create unique content easily

Design jaw-dropping video content for social media  using our drag and drop templated 3D graphics.


Stress less, Design more

Design jaw-dropping video content for social media
using our drag and drop templated 3D graphics.

Drag and drop pre-built graphics

Presentation and slides

Professional designs

Fully animated


We want to hear from you

We are always looking for ways to improve Artys so your feedback is invaluable to us.

Send us an email at daniel@uprealdigital.com for any feedback, comment, or issue concerning Artys.

We take your opinion very seriously.


How we got there

Artys was born during the COVID-19 pandemic which changed the entire landscape of live experiences. It forced us to reinvent ourselves and push limits of what was possible once more.

Mobile Ar Platforms

Get the Artys app and start sharing your creations

Download the Artys app directly from the App Store or Google Play.